Monday, October 15, 2007

The Great Khali (An Indian who is rocking WWF)

Dalip Singh

Dalip Singh Rana (born August 27, 1972 in Dhirana, Himachal Pradesh) is an Indian powerlifter and professional wrestler. Singh currently works for World Wrestling Entertainment (WWE) in the United States of America on its SmackDown! brand, under the ring name The Great Khali. At 7 ft 2 in, he is the tallest superstar on the WWE roster at present. Before embarking on his professional sports career, Singh was an officer in the Punjab state police, a champion bodybuilder, and a Pehlwan athlete.


Dalip Singh was born into a poor family in the village of Dhirana in the state of Himachal Pradesh in India, and is the third of eight siblings. At a young age, he earned a daily wage as a roadside stone breaker to help provide for his family. When asked about the size of his family members, Singh said that all other members of his family, including his parents and siblings, are of normal height. He pointed out, however, that his grandfather was very tall.

In 1993, Singh was still working as a road laborer in the Himalaya hills when his life's circumstances began to change. By this time he had tried his hand at many sports. He excelled in all of them, but showed exceptional talent in bodybuilding. The Director General of the Punjab Police Department took notice of Dalip and helped him join the police force. The change in employment allowed Singh to further his body building training and he subsequently won titles of Mr. India in 1997-98.

His success and hard work led him to train as a wrestler in the United States of America in 1999, where he developed the skills necessary to compete on a global stage, enabling him to win numerous wrestling titles in Japan, where he is currently a very popular figure. Singh's training schedule consists of two hours of weight training, morning and evening, every day. Maintaining his size requires a strict, and intimidating daily dietary regimen. Dalip consumes five gallons of milk, five chickens and two dozen eggs along with many chapatis, juice, and fruit daily.

Dalip Singh's goal in life is to support his family and aid the entire village that is his home. He is an active mentor to young people in Punjab, encouraging them to stay away from drugs and urging them to find discipline, health and success by taking up sports.

He married Harpinder Kaur on February 27, 2002.

Professional wrestling career

Under the ring name "Giant Singh", Dalip Singh became a pro wrestler for All Pro Wrestling in the United States of America, making his first appearance in October 2000, when teaming with Tony Jones against the West Side Playaz 2000.

On May 28, 2001, Brian Ong volunteered to receive a flapjack from Dalip Singh, a wrestler being specially trained by All Pro Wrestling. Singh did this move with two others in the gym that night, including one of the trainers, so Ong could see how it was done. Ong botched receiving the move, as he grabbed Singh's shirt instead of pushing off his back as the coaches had instructed him. He landed wrong and suffered a severe injury. He had a previous concussion and the second consecutive concussion proved fatal for Ong. This led to Singh inadvertently causing his death. All Pro Wrestling lost a lawsuit brought by Ong's family over his death, and were forced to award damages of over $1.3 million to his parents.

In August 2001, Singh was brought into New Japan Pro Wrestling by Team 2000 leader, Masahiro Chono, along with another big man, Giant Silva. They were the tallest tag team in pro-wrestling history at an average height of 7 ft 2 in, and a combined weight of 805 lb. The two teamed for the first time at the Tokyo Dome in October, labelled "Club 7" by Chono, and they defeated Yutaka Yoshie, Kenzo Suzuki, Hiroshi Tanahashi and Wataru Inoue in a Handicap Match when Silva pinned Tanahashi and Inoue at the same time. Singh suffered his first loss in a tag match at the Tokyo Dome in January 2002, being cradled by Hiroyoshi Tenzan. He suffered another big tag defeat during March, being pinned by Manabu Nakanishi, and falling to a German suplex hold. His most critical loss came in August at Tokyo Nippon Budokan though, when, after a falling out, he was pinned by Silva in a singles match.

World Wrestling Entertainment

On January 2, 2006, Singh was signed to a contract by WWE and assigned to the Deep South Wrestling developmental territory for training. With Daivari by his side, the un-named Singh debuted on WWE television on the April 7, 2006 episode of SmackDown!, attacking The Undertaker and leaving him out cold during his match with Mark Henry, and thus causing a no-contest.

The next week he was introduced as "The Great Khali". He made his in-ring debut on the April 21, 2006 edition of SmackDown! defeating Funaki in a match.

On the May 5, 2006 edition of SmackDown!, Khali signed a contract to face The Undertaker at WWE Judgment Day on May 21, 2006. Later that night, he interrupted a WWE Cruiserweight Championship No. 1 Contender's Triple Threat Match between Super Crazy, Kid Kash and Nunzio, and attacked all three men, as well as Vito.

On the May 12, 2006 edition of SmackDown!, JBL pitted Khali against Rey Mysterio. Khali had a height advantage of almost 2 feet and a weight advantage of 250 lb, and gained an easy victory over the World Heavyweight Champion in a match.

In his match against The Undertaker at Judgment Day 2006, Khali landed a series of blows on his opponent, and finally defeated Undertaker with a boot to the head. So far, Khali remains undefeated in WWE.

On the June 2, 2006 edition of Smackdown! he appeared with Daivari on the Piper's Pit. When Roddy Piper poked fun at his lack of knowledge of English and his background, an enraged Khali knocked him out.

Finishing and signature moves

* Modified Shark Boy Taunt

* Choke toss into turnbuckle

* Release Baldo Bomb

* Big boot

* Single arm choke

* Powerbomb



Acting career

Singh played the role of "Turley" in the 2005 remake of the film The Longest Yard. he plays a unstable inmate with a unsecure attitude

This is the Great khali( Dalip Singh) indian who is rocking at WWF ..i bet u will get knocked off after seein his pics.......i think that this is what they meant by Giants in d fairy tales.....

Height 7 feet 3 inches. Weight -423 pounds

WWE Debut - April 2006

Brought into the WWE by Daivari, The Great Khali's intimidating frame has caught the attention of everyone. Hailing from India, The Great Khali stands at an impressive 7 foot 2 and weighs 420 pounds. The Great Khali has walked the jungles of India unafraid of pythons and wrestled White Bengal tigers. Daivari claims that The Great Khali has "stared into the abyss and the earth trembled at his gaze." One of the largest athletes the WWE has ever bared witness to, The Great Khali stands to be a powerful force and a threat to every member of the SmackDown locker room

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